Author: wearespine


Understanding the Common Causes of Neck Pain and How to Prevent Them

Neck pain common causes
Neck pain common causes

Understanding the Common Causes of Neck Pain and How to Prevent Them


Neck pain is a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. It can range from a mild inconvenience to a debilitating condition that significantly impacts daily life. If you’re searching Best spine surgeon in Mumbai or Spine specialist doctor in Mumbai then you are at the right place. In this blog you will understand its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options are crucial. By addressing the issue promptly and seeking appropriate treatment, you can alleviate discomfort and restore mobility to lead a pain-free life.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common complaint that can significantly affect one’s daily activities and overall quality of life. It can arise from various causes, including:

  • Muscle strain: Overuse, poor posture, or repetitive movements can strain the neck muscles, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Poor posture: Maintaining improper posture while sitting or standing for extended periods places undue stress on the neck, resulting in discomfort.
  • Injury: Whiplash from car accidents, sports-related collisions, or falls can cause neck pain due to sudden jerking motions.
  • Herniated discs: When the soft cushions (discs) between the vertebrae in the neck become damaged or displaced, they can press against nerves, causing pain.
  • Arthritis: Conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can affect the neck joints, leading to inflammation, stiffness, and pain.
  • Pinched nerve: Compression or irritation of nerves in the neck, often caused by bone spurs or herniated discs, can result in radiating pain.
  • Stress and tension: Emotional stress and anxiety can cause muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, leading to discomfort.

Treatment Options

Neck pain doctors in Mumbai offer effective treatments, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional specializing in musculoskeletal disorders. A qualified neck pain specialist doctor in Mumbai can accurately diagnose the underlying cause and recommend an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Muscle relaxants may also be prescribed to ease muscle spasms.
  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can design a customized exercise program to improve neck strength, flexibility, and posture. They may also utilize techniques like manual therapy and heat/cold therapy for pain relief.
  • Posture Correction: Making conscious efforts to maintain good posture throughout the day can relieve strain on the neck muscles and reduce pain. Ergonomic adjustments to your workspace and daily activities can also be beneficial.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Incorporating stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga, adopting proper sleep habits, and avoiding activities that exacerbate neck pain can contribute to long-term relief.

Exercises for Neck Pain Relief

In addition to professional treatment, regular exercises can play a vital role in managing neck pain. Some effective exercises include:

  • Neck stretches: Gently tilt your head forward, backward, and from side to side to improve flexibility and relieve tension.
  • Neck rotations: Slowly turn your head to the left and right, maintaining a comfortable range of motion.
  • Shoulder rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward to release tension in the neck and upper back.
  • Chin tucks: Gently pull your chin in towards your chest, lengthening the back of your neck and reducing strain.

Specialists in Mumbai

If you’re experiencing neck pain, it’s crucial to consult a neck pain specialist in Mumbai who can provide the expertise and guidance needed for effective treatment. These specialists possess extensive knowledge and experience in diagnosing and treating neck pain, ensuring that you receive personalized care tailored to your specific condition. Don’t let neck pain hinder your daily activities.


If you’re experiencing neck pain and seeking relief, it’s essential to find the best spine surgeon in Mumbai or spine specialist doctor in Mumbai who can provide top-notch care. Mumbai is renowned for housing some of the finest medical professionals specializing in spinal conditions. When it comes to neck pain, finding a trusted expert is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. These specialists possess extensive knowledge and experience in managing neck pain and related conditions. From conservative treatments to advanced surgical options, they offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require a consultation, diagnosis, or the best spine surgery in Mumbai, you can trust the expertise of these top spine surgeons. With their commitment to exceptional care and successful outcomes.


Back Pain in Athletes: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Strategies

Back Pain in Athletes: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Strategies

Back pain is a common complaint among athletes, often caused by a combination of factors such as repetitive motions, muscle imbalances, overuse, and poor posture. Athletes, who constantly push their bodies to excel, are particularly susceptible to back pain due to the intense physical demands placed on their spines.  If you’re searching Best spine surgeon in Mumbai or Spine specialist doctor in Mumbai then you are at the right place. In this article, we will explore the causes, treatment options, pain management techniques, and preventive measures for back pain in athletes.

Causes of Back Pain in Athletes

  • Muscle Imbalances: Athletes involved in sports that require repetitive movements or one-sided actions may develop muscle imbalances. Over time, this can lead to excessive strain on the back muscles and spine.
  • Overuse and Repetitive Motion: Athletes engaging in sports that involve repetitive motions, such as running or tennis, may experience back pain due to the constant stress placed on their backs.
  • Poor Posture: Maintaining improper posture during training or competitions can contribute to back pain. Slouching, hunching, or twisting the spine excessively can strain the muscles and ligaments, leading to discomfort and pain.

Treatment Options for Back Pain

When it comes to back pain treatment for athletes, seeking the expertise of back pain doctors in Mumbai is crucial. These specialized healthcare professionals, including back pain specialist doctors in Mumbai, are well-equipped to diagnose and treat the specific needs of athletes.

  • Physical Therapy: Athletes with back pain can benefit from physical therapy, which focuses on improving flexibility, strengthening the core muscles, and correcting imbalances. Physical therapists may also employ techniques such as massage, heat therapy, and electrical stimulation to alleviate pain.
  • Medication: In some cases, athletes may require medication to manage pain and reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or muscle relaxants can provide temporary relief, but they should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Manual Therapy: Techniques like chiropractic adjustments, osteopathic manipulation, and acupuncture can help realign the spine, release tension, and promote healing.

Pain Management Techniques

  • Ice and Heat Therapy: Applying ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Alternatively, heat therapy through hot packs or warm baths can relax the muscles and provide relief.
  • Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Athletes should incorporate targeted stretching exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine. This can help alleviate back pain and prevent future injuries.

Prevention of Back Pain

  • Proper Training Techniques: Athletes should undergo proper training and conditioning to ensure they have the strength, flexibility, and endurance necessary for their sport. Coaches and trainers should emphasize correct form and technique to minimize the risk of back injuries.
  • Core Strengthening: A strong core can provide stability and support for the spine. Athletes should include exercises that target the abdominal and back muscles, such as planks and bridges, in their training routines.
  • Regular Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest and recovery periods are crucial for athletes to allow their bodies to heal and prevent overuse injuries. Incorporating rest days into training schedules and listening to the body’s signals are essential.
  • Ergonomic Equipment and Proper Gear: Athletes should use equipment and gear that are ergonomically designed and suited for their specific sport. This includes proper footwear, protective padding, and ergonomically fitted gear to minimize strain on the back.

In conclusion, back pain is a significant concern for athletes, but it can be effectively addressed through various treatment options, pain management techniques, and preventive measures. If you are searching for the best spine surgeon in Mumbai or spine specialist doctor in Mumbai, who can provide athletes with access to top-notch care and expertise. By addressing the underlying causes of back pain, such as muscle imbalances, overuse, and poor posture, athletes can find relief and regain optimal function.

For athletes seeking the best spine surgery in Mumbai, it is essential to consult with top spine surgeons who specialize in the field. These experienced professionals can provide personalized treatment plans and surgical interventions, if necessary, to address complex spine conditions and ensure the best possible outcomes.

By implementing these strategies and prioritizing their back health, athletes can continue to excel in their sports and enjoy an active lifestyle with minimized risk of back pain and injuries.


Scoliosis in children

Scoliosis in children
Scoliosis in children

Scoliosis in Children: Early Detection and Intervention

As parents, ensuring the health and well-being of our children is of utmost importance. When it comes to spinal conditions like Scoliosis, early detection and intervention play a crucial role in preventing further progression and minimising the impact on a child’s life. In Mumbai, where top-notch medical expertise is available, finding the Best spine surgeon in Mumbai or Spine specialist doctor in Mumbai is essential for effective management. In this blog post, we will explore the early signs and symptoms, screening and diagnosis, non-surgical interventions, surgical treatment options, as well as postoperative care and rehabilitation for Scoliosis in children

Early Signs and Symptoms

  •  Uneven shoulders or hips: One of the initial signs of scoliosis is an asymmetrical appearance of the shoulders or hips.
  • Abnormal curvature of the spine: If you notice a sideways curvature of the spine when your child bends forward, it might indicate scoliosis.
  • Uneven ribcage: A protruding shoulder blade or a visibly uneven ribcage can be indicative of scoliosis.
  • Back pain or discomfort: Some children may experience mild to moderate back pain or discomfort, especially during prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

Screening and Diagnosis

  • School screenings: Many schools conduct regular screenings to detect signs of scoliosis in children.
  • Physical examination: A thorough physical examination by a spine specialist can help identify any signs or symptoms of scoliosis.
  • X-rays: X-ray imaging is crucial for confirming the diagnosis, assessing the severity of the condition, and determining the best course of treatment.

Non-Surgical Interventions

  • Observation and monitoring: In cases of mild scoliosis, close monitoring may be recommended to assess if the curvature progresses.
  • Bracing: For moderate scoliosis, a custom-fitted brace may be prescribed to prevent further curvature progression during the child’s growing years.
  • Physical therapy: Targeted exercises and stretching routines can help improve posture, strengthen muscles, and alleviate pain associated with scoliosis.

Surgical Treatment Options

  • Spinal fusion: Severe cases of scoliosis may require surgical intervention, and spinal fusion is a common procedure. It involves joining the vertebrae together to correct the curvature and stabilise the spine.
  • Growing rod surgery: For young children with severe scoliosis, growing rod surgery may be performed to guide and straighten the spine as they grow.

Postoperative Care and Rehabilitation

  • Hospital stay: After surgery, the child will require a hospital stay for initial recovery and monitoring.
  • Pain management: Medications and pain management techniques will be employed to ensure the child’s comfort during the recovery period.
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation: Following surgery, a tailored physical therapy program will help the child regain strength, mobility, and flexibility.

Early detection and intervention are crucial for effectively managing scoliosis in children. In Mumbai, parents can find comfort in knowing that the city is home to some of the Best spine surgeons in Mumbai and Spine specialists Doctor in Mumbai. Whether through non-surgical interventions or surgical treatment options, each child’s treatment plan should be tailored to their specific needs. By prioritising postoperative care and rehabilitation, children can look forward to a better quality of life, improved spinal health, and overall well-being. For the Best spine surgery in Mumbai and expert care, consulting with top spine surgeons and specialists is essential. Their knowledge and experience will provide the necessary guidance for detecting scoliosis early, intervening promptly, and ensuring successful treatment for children.


Kyphosis vs. Scoliosis

Kyphosis vs. Scoliosis
Kyphosis vs. Scoliosis

Kyphosis vs. Scoliosis: Understanding the Differences

When it comes to spinal conditions, two terms that often come up are kyphosis and Scoliosis. These conditions can cause significant discomfort and impact a person’s quality of life. If you are seeking information about these conditions, understanding their differences is crucial. At We Are Spine, we are committed to providing the highest level of care and expertise, making us the Best spine surgeon in Mumbai. Our team of Spine specialists in Mumbai offers top-notch spine surgeries, including the Best spine surgery in Mumbai. In this article, we will delve into kyphosis and scoliosis, highlighting their distinct characteristics.


  • Definition: Kyphosis refers to an excessive forward curvature of the upper spine, leading to a rounded or hunched back.
  • Causes: Kyphosis can be caused by various factors, including poor posture, degenerative diseases, birth defects, spinal fractures, or certain medical conditions like osteoporosis.
  • Symptoms: Common symptoms of kyphosis include a rounded upper back, a noticeable hump, stiffness, and back pain. In severe cases, it can affect lung capacity and cause breathing difficulties.
  • Diagnosis: A spine specialist in Mumbai can diagnose kyphosis through physical examination, medical history review, X-rays, and other imaging tests.
  • Treatment: Treatment options for kyphosis depend on the severity and underlying cause. Non-surgical approaches may include physical therapy, exercises, and bracing. However, severe cases might require surgical intervention, which can be performed by the best spine surgeon in Mumbai.


  • Definition: Scoliosis is characterised by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, forming an “S” or “C” shape.
  • Causes: The causes of scoliosis can vary, including congenital conditions, neuromuscular disorders, genetic factors, or idiopathic reasons (unknown cause).
  • Symptoms: Common signs of scoliosis include an uneven waist or shoulders, asymmetrical ribcage, one shoulder blade sticking out more than the other, and back pain. Severe cases can also affect lung and heart function.
  • Diagnosis: A spine specialist in Mumbai will typically conduct a physical examination, review medical history, and order X-rays or other imaging tests to diagnose scoliosis accurately.
  • Treatment: Treatment for scoliosis depends on factors such as the patient’s age, curve severity, and progression. Mild cases may require observation and periodic monitoring, while moderate to severe cases might necessitate bracing or surgery, performed by a skilled spine surgeon in Mumbai.

Distinguishing Factors

  1. Curvature: Kyphosis is characterised by excessive forward curvature, leading to a hunched back, while scoliosis involves a sideways curvature, resulting in an S or C shape.
  2. Location: Kyphosis typically affects the upper back, particularly the thoracic spine, whereas scoliosis can occur in various regions of the spine, including the thoracic, lumbar, or thoracolumbar regions.
  3. Symptoms: Although both conditions may cause back pain and physical changes, the specific symptoms, such as a noticeable hump in kyphosis or an uneven waist in scoliosis, help differentiate between the two.
  4. Underlying Causes: Kyphosis can result from poor posture, spinal fractures, or medical conditions like osteoporosis, while scoliosis can have various causes, including congenital, neuromuscular, or idiopathic factors.

While kyphosis and scoliosis both involve abnormal curvature of the spine, they differ in their specific characteristics and diagnostic approaches. Whether you require treatment for kyphosis or scoliosis, We Are Spine is the ideal choice for your spinal health needs. Our dedicated team of Spine specialists in Mumbai, including the Best spine surgeon in Mumbai, ensures comprehensive care and personalised treatment plans. If you are considering the Best spine surgery in Mumbai or seeking expert advice, contact us at We Are Spine to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a healthier spine.


Sciatica Treatment at Home

Sciatica treatment at home We Are Spine
Sciatica Treatment at Home: Natural Remedies and Exercises

Sciatica Treatment at Home: Natural Remedies and Exercises

If you are looking for a Spine specialist surgeon in Mumbai or Spine treatment in Mumbai for sciatica, you have come to the right place. Our team of Spine specialist Doctor in Mumbai providing effective treatments for all types of spinal conditions, including sciatica.

If you suffer from sciatica, you know how excruciating and debilitating the pain can be. Sciatica is a condition caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down to the legs. The pain can be severe and may cause tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected leg. While there are several medical treatments available for sciatica, you can also try some natural remedies and exercises at home to ease your symptoms.

In this blog post, we will discuss some effective sciatica treatment options that you can try at home. We will cover everything from home remedies and natural medicines to physical exercises and Sciatica homoeopathic treatments. So, let’s get started!

Home Remedies for Sciatica Pain Treatment at Home

Here are some natural remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of sciatica:

  1. Hot or Cold Compress: Applying a hot or cold compress to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and ease the pain.
  2. Massage: Gentle massage can help relax the muscles and reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  3. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding turmeric to your diet or taking supplements can help reduce inflammation and ease pain.
  4. Epsom Salt Bath: Soaking in an Epsom salt bath can help relax the muscles and reduce inflammation.
  5. Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and inflammation. Adding ginger to your diet or taking supplements can help alleviate the symptoms of sciatica.

Natural Medicines for Sciatica At Home Treatment

Consult our spine specialist doctors , and they will prescribe the necessary medicines for you. 

Physical Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief at Home

Here are some physical exercises that can help alleviate the symptoms of sciatica:

  1. Stretching: Gentle stretching exercises can help improve flexibility and reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  2. Yoga: Yoga is a low-impact exercise that can help improve flexibility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain.
  3. Walking: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help improve circulation and reduce inflammation.
  4. Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help strengthen the muscles and reduce inflammation.

Homoeopathic Treatment for Sciatica At Home

Consult our spine specialist doctors, and they will guide you to treat sciatica at home.

Homoeopathic Treatment for Sciatica At Home

Sciatica can be a painful and debilitating condition, but there are several natural remedies and exercises that you can try at home to alleviate the symptoms. From home remedies and natural medicines to physical exercises and Sciatica homeopathic treatments, there are several options available that can help reduce pain and inflammation. 

We Are Spine is a Spine specialist clinic in Mumbai that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists doctor in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60,000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of spine specialists and Best Spine Surgeon Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.

Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay Nene, Dr. Shital Mohite, Dr. Priyank Patel, Dr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!

 We Are Spine utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to minimise spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.


Frequently Asked Questions

Sciatica is a condition caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down to the legs. It can be caused by several factors, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and trauma or injury to the back.

The common symptoms of sciatica include pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the lower back, buttocks, legs, or feet. The pain may be sharp, burning, or shooting, and it may be more severe on one side of the body.

Yes, you can try several natural remedies and exercises at home to alleviate the symptoms of sciatica. Home remedies such as hot or cold compress, massage, turmeric, Epsom salt bath, and ginger can help reduce pain and inflammation.Physical exercises such as stretching, yoga, walking, and swimming can also help improve flexibility and reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Yes, Consult our spine specialist doctors, and they will guide you to treat sciatica at home.

The time it takes to see improvement with home remedies and exercises can vary depending on the severity of your condition and the type of treatment you choose. However, many people experience some relief within a few weeks of starting home remedies and exercises.

You should see a doctor if your symptoms persist or worsen despite home remedies and exercises, or if you experience severe pain, loss of bladder or bowel control, or numbness in the groyne or rectal area. Your doctor can recommend medical treatments such as pain relievers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of your condition.


Cervical Spondylosis Treatments

Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Exercises
Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Exercises

Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Exercises

If you are looking for a Best Spine surgeon in Mumbai or Spine treatment in Mumbai for sciatica, you have come to the right place. Our team of Spine specialist Doctor in Mumbai providing effective treatments for all types of spinal conditions, including Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition that affects the cervical spine, which is the portion of the spine that is located in the neck region. This condition is also known as cervical osteoarthritis, and it is caused by the wear and tear of the bones, discs, and ligaments in the cervical spine. Cervical spondylosis can result in chronic neck pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

What is Cervical Spondylitis?

Cervical spondylitis is another term used to describe cervical spondylosis. The condition is caused by the degeneration of the bones and discs in the cervical spine, which can result in pain and other symptoms.

Causes of Cervical Spondylosis

The exact cause of cervical spondylosis is not known, but it is believed to be caused by several factors, including:

  • Age: As we age, the discs in our spine lose moisture and become less flexible, leading to wear and tear.
  • Genetics: Some people may be more prone to developing cervical spondylosis due to their genetics.
  • Lifestyle factors: Factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, and poor posture can increase the risk of developing cervical spondylosis.

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Chronic neck pain
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Headaches
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms, hands, or fingers
  • Weakness in the arms, hands, or fingers
  • Loss of balance

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Treatment for cervical spondylosis typically focuses on managing pain and other symptoms. Some of the most common treatments include:

  • Pain medication: Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, may help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Physical therapy: A physical therapist can provide exercises and stretches to help improve mobility and reduce pain.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove damaged discs or bones and alleviate pressure on the nerves in the spine.

Cervical Spondylosis Exercises

Exercises can be an effective way to manage pain and stiffness associated with cervical spondylosis. Some of the best exercises for cervical spondylosis include:

  • Neck stretches: Gently tilting the head from side to side and up and down can help improve flexibility and reduce stiffness.
  • Shoulder rolls: Rolling the shoulders forward and backward can help relieve tension in the neck and upper back.
  • Isometric neck exercises: These exercises involve contracting the muscles in the neck without moving the head, which can help build strength.

Cervical spondylosis is a common condition that can cause chronic neck pain and other symptoms. It is caused by the degeneration of the bones, discs, and ligaments in the cervical spine. Treatment typically involves managing pain and other symptoms through medication, physical therapy, and surgery in severe cases. Exercises can also be an effective way to manage symptoms and improve mobility. If you are experiencing chronic neck pain or other symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor about your treatment options.

We Are Spine is a specialised clinic that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of Spine specialist Surgeon in Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.

Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay Nene, Dr. Shital Mohite, Dr. Priyank Patel, Dr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!

 We Are Spine utilises the latest technologies and equipment to minimise spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.


Frequently Asked Questions

Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition that affects the cervical spine, which is the portion of the spine located in the neck region. It is caused by the wear and tear of the bones, discs, and ligaments in the cervical spine. Several factors can contribute to the development of cervical spondylosis, including age, genetics, and lifestyle factors like poor posture or lack of exercise.

The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can vary, but the most common ones include chronic neck pain, stiffness in the neck, headaches, tingling or numbness in the arms, hands, or fingers, weakness in the arms, hands, or fingers, and loss of balance.

A doctor will typically perform a physical examination and may order imaging tests like an X-ray or MRI to confirm a diagnosis of cervical spondylosis.

Treatment for cervical spondylosis typically focuses on managing pain and other symptoms. This may include pain medication, physical therapy, and surgery in severe cases.

While it may not be possible to completely prevent cervical spondylosis, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk. This includes maintaining good posture, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, and taking breaks if you work at a desk for long periods.

Yes, there are several exercises that can help manage pain and improve mobility associated with cervical spondylosis. These may include neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and isometric neck exercises.

The recovery time from cervical spondylosis can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the chosen treatment approach. Some people may experience relief from symptoms within a few weeks, while others may require more extended treatment and recovery periods.

In some cases, cervical spondylosis can lead to complications like spinal cord compression, which can result in more severe symptoms and may require surgery to correct. However, this is relatively rare and typically only occurs in severe cases.


Treatments for Sciatica

Treatments for Sciatica Pain Relief at We Are Spine
Treatments for Sciatica Pain Relief at We Are Spine

Treatments for Sciatica Pain Relief at We Are Spine

Sciatica is a painful condition that affects the lower back and legs, caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs from the lower back down to the legs. When this nerve is compressed, it can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for sciatica pain relief.

Sciatica Treatment

1.Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is one of the most common treatments for sciatica pain relief. It involves exercises and stretches that help to improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion. A physical therapist can create a customized exercise program that addresses the specific needs of the patient.

2.Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive treatment that focuses on the alignment of the spine. A chiropractor can perform spinal adjustments to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce inflammation.


There are several medications that can help to relieve sciatica pain, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and corticosteroids. These medications can help to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve mobility.


In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to treat sciatica. Surgery is usually considered only after other treatments have failed to provide relief. The most common surgical procedure for sciatica is a discectomy, which involves removing the herniated portion of a disc in the spine that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica Pain Treatment

1.Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy is a simple and effective treatment for sciatica pain relief. Applying heat or cold to the affected area can help to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve mobility.

2.Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation, which can help to reduce sciatica pain. A massage therapist can use various techniques to target the affected area and provide pain relief.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This can help to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and relieve sciatica pain.


Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that can help to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Certain yoga poses can be particularly effective for relieving sciatica pain, such as the downward-facing dog pose and the pigeon pose.

Sciatica Pain Relief


Rest is an important part of sciatica pain relief. Taking a break from activities that aggravate the pain can help to reduce inflammation and allow the body to heal.

2.Ergonomic Adjustments

Making ergonomic adjustments to the workspace can help to reduce the risk of developing sciatica. This may include adjusting the chair and desk height, using a standing desk, and taking regular breaks to stretch.

3.Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight can help to reduce the pressure on the spine and alleviate sciatica pain. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

4.Stress Management

Stress can exacerbate sciatica pain. Learning stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Sciatica Pain Cure

While there is no definitive cure for sciatica, there are several treatments that can provide sciatica pain relief. In many cases, a combination of treatments may be necessary to achieve the best results. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Sciatica How to Relieve Pain

The following steps can help to relieve sciatica pain

  • Rest
  • Apply heat or cold therapy
  • Perform gentle stretches and exercises
  • Take over

We Are Spine is a specialized spine clinic that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of spine specialists and Best Spine Surgeon Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.

Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay Nene, Dr. Shital Mohite, Dr. Priyank Patel, Dr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!

 We Are Spine utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to minimize spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.


Frequently Asked Questions

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain in the lower back and legs. It occurs when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down to the legs, becomes compressed or irritated.

The symptoms of sciatica include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be constant or intermittent.

The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc in the spine that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Other causes include spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and spondylolisthesis.

Sciatica is typically diagnosed based on a physical examination and a review of the patient’s medical history. Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, and CT scans may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

The treatments for sciatica include physical therapy, chiropractic care, medications, and surgery. Hot and cold therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, rest, ergonomic adjustments, weight management, and stress management can also help to relieve sciatica pain.

Surgery is usually considered only after other treatments have failed to provide relief. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to treat sciatica.

Maintaining good posture, using proper lifting techniques, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight can help to prevent sciatica. Ergonomic adjustments to the workspace and stress management techniques can also help to reduce the risk of developing sciatica.

It is important to see a doctor if sciatica pain is severe or lasts longer than a few weeks, if there is weakness or numbness in the legs, or if there is difficulty controlling the bladder or bowels.


Living with Spondylolisthesis: Tips for Managing Pain and Maintaining Mobility

Living with Spondylolisthesis: Tips for Managing Pain and Maintaining Mobility

Spondylolisthesis Meaning

The term “spondylolisthesis” is derived from the Greek words “spondylos” (meaning vertebra) and “olisthesis” (meaning to slip or slide). This condition is characterized by the slippage of one spinal vertebra over the one below it, which can cause varying degrees of nerve compression and pain.

What is Spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis is a spinal disorder characterized by the slippage of one vertebra over the one below it. This misalignment can result in varying degrees of nerve compression, leading to pain, discomfort, and other symptoms. The condition can occur due to various factors, such as congenital spinal abnormalities, aging, repetitive stress, trauma, or underlying medical conditions. Spondylolisthesis is classified into different types based on the cause of the slippage, and treatment options range from conservative measures, such as medication and physical therapy, to surgical interventions for more severe cases.

Spondylosis vs Spondylolisthesis

Before we delve into spondylolisthesis, it’s essential to clarify the difference between this condition and spondylosis. Spondylosis refers to the general degeneration of the spine, which is often associated with aging. It may involve disc degeneration, spinal osteoarthritis, or bone spurs. On the other hand, spondylolisthesis specifically occurs when one vertebra slips forward over the vertebra beneath it. This slippage can cause pressure on the spinal nerves and lead to pain and discomfort.

Spondylolisthesis Types -

There are several types of spondylolisthesis, which are classified based on the cause of the slippage:

Isthmic spondylolisthesis: This type results from a defect or fracture in the pars interarticularis, a small segment of bone that connects the facet joints in the back of the spine.

Degenerative spondylolisthesis:   

This type is caused by age-related wear and tear, which leads to the weakening of the spinal joints and ligaments.

Congenital spondylolisthesis: This type is present at birth due to a malformation of the spine.

Traumatic spondylolisthesis: This type occurs as a result of an injury or accident that causes a spinal fracture or dislocation.

Pathologic spondylolisthesis:This type results from underlying medical conditions, such as tumors or infections, which weaken the spinal structures.

Spondylolisthesis Symptoms :

Common spondylolisthesis symptoms include:

-Lower back pain
-Sciatica or leg pain
-Stiffness or tightness in the back
-Muscle spasms
-Difficulty walking or maintaining balance
-Numbness or weakness in the legs

Spondylolisthesis Causes:The causes of spondylolisthesis vary depending on the type but may include:

-Congenital spinal abnormalities
-Repetitive stress or overuse
-Trauma or injury
-Underlying medical conditions

Spondylolisthesis Treatments in Mumbai:Spondylolisthesis Treatment in Mumbai depends on the severity of the condition and the presence of symptoms. Non-surgical options may include:

-Pain relief medication
-Physical therapy
-Corticosteroid injections

Spondylolisthesis Exercises: Specific exercises may be recommended by a Spine Specialist Doctor to help alleviate pain and improve flexibility and strength. These exercises may include:

-Hamstring stretches
-Core strengthening exercises
-Pelvic tilts
-Lumbar stabilization exercises

Spondylolisthesis Surgery:

There are two main types of surgical procedures used to treat spondylolisthesis:

Spinal Fusion: This is the most common surgical treatment for spondylolisthesis. The procedure involves fusing the slipped vertebra to the adjacent vertebrae using bone grafts, screws, and rods. The fusion process helps to eliminate movement between the vertebrae and provides long-term stability.

Decompression: In some cases, a decompression surgery may be performed to remove any bone or tissue causing pressure on the spinal nerves. This procedure, known as laminectomy or foraminotomy, can alleviate nerve compression and improve symptoms. It is often combined with spinal fusion for optimal results.

Recovery time and the overall success of the surgery depend on various factors, including the severity of the condition, the patient’s overall health, and the chosen surgical technique. It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care and participate in a comprehensive rehabilitation program to ensure the best possible outcome.

Spondylolisthesis is a complex spinal condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort. Understanding the difference between spondylosis and spondylolisthesis, recognizing symptoms, and being aware of the various treatment options can help you make informed decisions about your spinal health. Consult a qualified Spondylolisthesis Specialist in Mumbai for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.

We Are Spine is a specialized clinic that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of spine specialists and Best Spine Surgeon Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.
Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay Nene, Dr. Shital Mohite,  Dr. Priyank Patel, Dr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!
We Are Spine utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to minimize spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.


Frequently Asked Questions regarding spinal cord injury and surgery

A spinal cord injury occurs when there is damage to the spinal cord that results in loss of function, such as mobility and sensation. This can be caused by trauma, disease, or degeneration.

Spondylolisthesis can be caused by a variety of factors including genetic predisposition, traumatic injury, repetitive stress on the spine, or degenerative changes in the spine due to aging.

Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans.

Treatment for Spondylolisthesis depends on the severity of the condition. Mild cases may be treated with rest, pain relievers, and physical therapy. More severe cases may require surgery to realign the vertebrae and stabilize the spine.

Spondylolisthesis is not curable, but it can be managed with proper treatment and care.

While it is not possible to completely prevent Spondylolisthesis, maintaining good posture, avoiding heavy lifting or repetitive bending, and practicing proper body mechanics during physical activity may reduce the risk of developing the condition..

Exercise can be helpful in managing Spondylolisthesis. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist to determine what types of exercise are safe and effective for your specific condition.

In some cases, a brace or support may be recommended to help stabilize the spine and provide relief from pain. However, this will depend on the severity of the condition and should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

The recovery time following Spondylolisthesis surgery varies depending on the type of procedure and individual circumstances. In general, patients can expect to spend several weeks or months recovering and may need to participate in physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.


Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai

Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai : Personalised Care for Optimal Spinal Health and Wellness

top spine surgeon in mumbai

As Mumbai’s leading healthcare provider for spine-related issues, We Are Spine is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal spinal health and wellness. Our team of top spine surgeons in Mumbai comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals committed to delivering the best care for all spinal conditions.

At We Are Spine, we understand that spinal problems can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, and we strive to provide personalised treatment options that address each patient’s unique needs. Our team utilises the latest advancements in spine surgery and non-surgical techniques to provide the most effective treatment options for herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and more.

top spine surgeon in mumbai

We take pride in our patient-centric approach to care, which involves a thorough evaluation and diagnosis process to identify the underlying cause of each patient’s condition. This enables us to develop a customised treatment plan tailored to each patient’s individual needs.

As the top spine surgeons in Mumbai, we are committed to ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of care in a comfortable and compassionate environment. Whether you require surgery or non-surgical treatment, our team at We Are Spine is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your spinal condition.

If you are looking for the best spine surgeons in Mumbai, look no further than We Are Spine. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert spine surgeons and take the first step towards achieving optimal spinal health and wellness.

We Are Spine is a specialized clinic that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of spine specialists and Best Spine Surgeon Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.

Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay NeneDr. Shital MohiteDr. Priyank PatelDr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!

We Are Spine utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to minimize spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj

Spine Surgeon

Dr Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj is the first spine surgeon who is specialised and dedicated in India. The first surgeon and doctor in India who made the decision to devote himself to spinal care and led to the creation of the super-specialty in which doctors have adhered to and practised.After having graduated from Mumbai’s KEM Medical College, he worked as an orthopaedic doctor. The growing curiosity about the expanding area of spine care led him to travel to different countries to find out more information about it. In the end He decided to concentrate on the spine , and set out to set India’s first spine clinic in KEM Hospital. The spine unit was performing fantastic work, however it was in need of more resources for the development of research.

Because the facility was funded with the help of the state, it had restrictions. Therefore, when he got an invitation by Hinduja Hospital to set up an exclusive spine department within their facility doctor. Shekhar Bhojraj saw it as a chance to gain more funds to fund research into the spine. Hinduja was India’s first hospital owned privately to host an ultra-specialty within India.

However the doctor Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj was not content with catering only to the wealthy and was determined to provide the same services to those who are less fortunate and the less fortunate. This was the beginning of the Spine Foundation with an aim for affordable healthcare that is affordable for everyone.

Dr. Abhay Nene

Spine Surgeon

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Abhay Nene, a graduate from TN Medical College, graduated as medical doctor in 1995. He then completed his postgraduate education on Orthopaedic surgery in the year 1998 at Mumbai University. His primary training within the specialisation of Spine Surgery was in Mumbai through the Spine Foundation, with Dr. Bhojraj as the chief trainer, as of 1999.

He also visited several locations around the globe, which included Singapore, USA, UK and Germany He was also given multiple fellowships internationally in his time as a spine fellow. Professor. Nene was awarded the Asia Pacific Educator of the Year 2017-18′ by AO Board of Spine International. He is currently the AO Asia Pacific Chair Elect for the 2022-2025 period.

He currently works as a spine surgeon at several hospital systems in Mumbai. His special areas of interest include paediatric spinal deformity tuberculosis, reconstruction of spinal tumors and the osteoporotic spinal.

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Sheetal Mohite

Spine Surgeon

Dr Sheetal Mohite

Dr. Sheetal Mohite completed his basic medical schooling through Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune University in 1995. Following his medical training, he decided to study orthopaedics. He earned the Diploma in Orthopaedics in the Pravara Rural Medical College, Loni, Pune University in 1998. He is also an official of the National Board, New Delhi in the area of Orthopaedics.

Dr. Mohite also holds spine-related fellowships at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital, Oswestry and at University Hospital, Cardiff and as well in Stanmore located in The United Kingdom. Dr. Mohite also received training at the Advanced Trauma Centre, Leipzig, Germany. He was selected for his participation in the Global Outreach Fellowship program for the Scoliosis Research Society meeting in Miami, USA in 2005.

Under the guidance of The Dr. Richard Fessler, he also was exposed to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery at Rush Medical Center, Chicago, USA.

He is currently a an expert consultant in the field of Spine Surgery for Shushrusha Citizens’ Cooperative Hospital (Dadar Vikhroli), Mangal Anand Hospital, Chembur, SL Raheja – A Fortis Associate Hospital located in Mahim, Lilavati hospital at Bandra and HN Reliance Hospital in south Mumbai.

Dr. Priyank Patel

Spine Surgeon

Dr Priyank Patel

Designer, Adventure Sports enthusiast, surgeon, physician as well as entrepreneur and social worker it appears like a panel of five people, however, it’s actually one person who has worn numerous hats throughout the course of his career. Dr. Priyank Patel is young, active, energetic and manages an army of future doctors who are changing the way medicine is taught and performed, and how it is considered. He specialises in the non-surgical and surgical treatment of disorders related to the spine, including the subspecialty of spine tumors.

Dr. Patel has done his residency in the Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj’s Spine Foundation. Additionally, he has trained internationally from highly regarded spine institutions with advanced surgical procedures, such as Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Microsurgery, Athletic Spinal Injuries and techniques to preserve motion such as the artificial replacement of the hip. Dr. Patel has treated professional athletes of his Indian National Cricket Team as well as people in the film industry, and helped them perform at their best despite injury. His expertise in his field and his surgical skills have earned him the respect of the international scene.

Dr Priyank Patel

Dr. Raghuprasad Varma

Spine Surgeon

Dr Raghuprasad Varma

Dr. Raghuprasad Varma received his initial medical training through his school, the Grant Medical College in Mumbai.

Then, he completed the MS in Orthopaedics in the Bombay Hospital, Mumbai. He is also a Diplomate of the National Board, New Delhi in the area of Orthopaedics.

His passion for spinal surgery was the reason he decided to take it on as a super-specialty since 2001. He worked as a spinal fellow, then as an associate surgeon in the Spine Clinic at Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai under the guidance of Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj.

Dr. Varma Dr. Varma is an expert spine surgeon in well-known hospitals of Mumbai such as Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital, Fortis Hospitals, Apollo Hospital and Reliance Hospital.
Additionally, he is a guest spine surgeon at the Sudheendra Medical Hospital, kochi

He has served as faculty in various national and international forums and has numerous publications to his name .

Dr. Premik Nagad

Spine Surgeon

Dr Premik Nagad

Dr. Premik Nagad did his basic medical education and a Diploma in Orthopaedics at Bijapur, Karnataka and at Shri BM Patil Medical. Following his graduation in Orthopaedics and a doctorate, he was awarded his Diplomate from the National Board in Orthopaedics at Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences in Thiruvalla, Kerala. He began his career in 2008 when he was a part of Dr. Abhay Nene as an observer, and then he became a clinical fellow , and later an assistant spine surgeon, whose duties included coordination of surgeries and fellowships. In 2012 He became a part of the team of Dr. Bhojraj as an associate and coordinator of the Spine Foundation Fellowships.

In 2015, Dr. Nagad was appointed an independent spine surgeon in the Wockhardt Hospital and a year later, he joined Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. He is an expert consultant at the Breach Candy Trust Hospital.. Currently as a trustee for the Spine Foundation and other than his professional obligations in Mumbai and the surrounding areas, he coordinates the fellowship program and Regional Spine Care Centres all across Maharashtra and India in order to reach out to the population that is not served by spinal health.

Dr Premik Nagad

Out Top Spine Surgeon Mumbai are expertise in following Surgeries and Treatments


Frequently Asked Questions about Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai

We Are Spine has a team of highly skilled and experienced spine surgeons who are recognized as the top spine surgeons in Mumbai. Our surgeons have extensive training and expertise in the latest techniques and advancements in spinal care.

Our team of top spine surgeons in Mumbai provides personalised care for all types of spinal conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, spinal tumors, and more.

We offer the latest advancements in spine surgery, including minimally invasive procedures, as well as non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy, medication, and spinal injections.

Spine surgery is typically recommended when non-surgical treatments have failed to provide relief for a spinal condition. Our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will conduct a thorough evaluation and diagnosis to determine the best treatment option for your specific condition.

The recovery time for spine surgery varies depending on the type and complexity of the procedure. Our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will provide you with a personalised recovery plan to ensure that you have the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery.

Pain is a common side effect of spine surgery, but our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will provide you with pain management strategies to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during your recovery.

To schedule a consultation with one of our top spine surgeons in Mumbai, simply contact We Are Spine via phone or email, and our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling an appointment.

Patient Information

Our Approach

At The We are spine we offer the most advanced and
effective bespoke treatment packages to suit your needs


For effective pain treatment, it is imperative to diagnose the underlying condition.


Depending on the diagnosis, our first choice for treatment are rehabilitation…


We advise surgical intervention only when the risk of surgery is far lower than the risk of leaving…


We guide individuals on how to prevent first or recurrent back pain by suggesting lifestyle…

Patients’ Testimonials

Satyam Bairoliya
Satyam Bairoliya
On behalf of my grandfather- I met up with Dr Abhay due to a disk prolapse (Slip Disk). Dr abhay started off by giving me a comfortable space to share my problems especially given the fact that hailing from a small town it was not everyday that a doctor asked a lot of relevant questions ensure the best remedy. Dr abhay suggested me to undergo a regular physiotherapist sessions, that’s when I was introduced to Dr.Shikha. Her sessions were extremely simple to understand. Given the fact that it was done over video it was all the more impressive. I have been gradually recovering my strength and Dr.Abhay’s regular followups ensured the correct steps are being followed throughout the journey to ensure that i avoid surgery. Truly in line with the catchphrase “we are spine” Thanks for everything 😄
Geeta Jaisinghani
Geeta Jaisinghani
hi I am geeta Jaisinghani, senior citizen, from mumbai. I was going thru severe back n neck pain. No doctors n physios really cud help me. Finally my son contacted Dr Abhay Nene ( whom we know sync several years )on video calling n he saw my reports n said only physio wil give complete relief n no need for any surgery. He advised some walking posture n told me to contact Dr. Shikha Jain. Dr Nene said she wil give best help to me n truly I cud not believe in just the first few sessions itself I got soo much relief. she was very confident n had patience in training me thru zoom meeting. I thank God for Dr. Nene and Dr. Shikha Jain. They r the bestest I hav known n cud refer to anyone. God bless them both as they r truly dedicated to their work and caring.
Saju Thomas
Saju Thomas
I am from Kerala. I suffered a lot because of my chronic backache. The pain radiated to my arms as well as the legs , and caused numbness and weakness. I was in a situation where I can't do my everyday routine.Other doctors suggested me for surgery or else there will be a condition to sit on a wheelchair. At this point one of my friend Rohit Gokhle suggested about we are spine team, and decided to give it a try. Now I think this was the best decision I ever made. The team of we are spine helped me for a fast recovery. Especially Dr. Shika Jain. Dr. did a great job with my first ever health exam. She explained everything to me in a very clear manner. Not only has she taken great care of my health, but also she is lovely to speak with at every appointment. It's rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I am so glad I chose we are spine team and would highly recommend to anyone.
urvi ghatalia
urvi ghatalia
A Life-changing Journey with WeAreSpine I had been struggling with excruciating spasms in my legs and lower abdomen and the pain was making it difficult to carry out my daily activities. I consulted my doctor Dr Abhay Nene of WeAreSpine who asked me to see Dr Priyank Patel, as he was travelling. And, it turned out to be a life-changing experience. Upon consulting Dr. PRIYANK Patel, I was advised to try physiotherapy as a solution to my problem. This led me to the capable hands of Dr. Shikha, who guided me through a series of specific exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles supporting my lower back. The results were astounding. Within just a month of consistent effort and dedication, I noticed a remarkable 90% improvement in my condition. The excruciating pain and spasms that once plagued my daily life were now significantly reduced, allowing me to regain my mobility and enjoy life to the fullest. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am to the team at WeAreSpine for their expertise and exceptional care. Dr. Abhay Nene’s diagnosis and Dr. Shikha's tailored physiotherapy exercises were the key to my recovery. If you are facing any spine-related issues or pain, I wholeheartedly recommend WeAreSpine. Their compassionate and skilled approach to spinal health is unmatched. My journey with them has been nothing short of incredible, and I now feel equipped to face life with renewed vigor and a pain-free existence. Thank you, WeAreSpine!
Devendra Parulekar
Devendra Parulekar
A freak incident caused a pinched nerve that sent radiating pain down my arm, with reduced power caused by a possible damage to the nerve. Being Founder of a Travel & Hospitality startup (SaffronStays), this meant a break from active work and travel, as this needed bed rest for a many weeks on end. What was troubling was that I had a long overdue family trip to France and Italy, in under 2 weeks! What complicated things was the emergency root canal that suddenly emerge exactly 2 days after the freak pinched nerve incident. In all this, renowned and celebrated Dr Abhay Nene and his trusted Physiotherapist Dr Shikha Jain, took over the challenge of putting me on that plane to Paris, without any surgery or steroid epidurals, with minimal pain! We actively and slowly increased the intensity of our neck and trapezius muscle exercises. Dr Shikha understood the root cause - a poor posture, caused excessive laptop/ mobile use - diagnosed as Forward Head Posture (also called Google neck) and literally forced me to first solve this by undertaking active posture correction exercises, including the famous McKenzie method or chin tucks and thoracic extensions. I recall her saying “Mr Deven, if you don’t do this exercise every day, you will have permanent nerve damage”. That shook me out of my inertia! Slowly and steadily, under Dr Abhay’s watchful eye, Dr Shikha increased the intensity of our exercise, by adding weights; to strengthen shoulder, back, neck and spine (also core) and now the affected triceps and biceps muscles, to get me back on the tennis court that I cannot live without. Am still a month or two away from my favourite sport, and eagerly waiting for the process of pain management, to pain Centralization, to paid reduction, muscle strengthening… much beyond the posture correction. What a brilliant journey, that straddled corrective to preventive methods. Kudos to this brilliant team of spine specialists!
Karan Bhatt
Karan Bhatt
Hi , myself Dr karan was suffering from cervical cord compression at C5-C6 level for which I consulted Dr.ABHAY NENE sir who examined me and reassured me that it can be managed conservatively for which he suggested me to have a consult with Dr. Shikha jain . I would admit without a doubt that Dr.ABHAY sir’s guidance and physiotherapy by Dr. Shikha helped me regain my confidence and have been asymptomatic bcoz of the physiotherapy .Dr. Shikha has been upto the point ,very concerned and supportive throughout the treatment. I would highly recommend WE ARE SPINE for anyone suffering from spine ailments .
Jayshree Bhanushali
Jayshree Bhanushali
Basically I am from Andhra pradesh and i have a spine issue for over the years. Just to consult Dr. Priyank ,i visited his clinic and really he is a great doctor. He is very understanding & listen to our concerns. He takes time with the patient to help them with their health issues.when you have an appointment, Dr. priyank will spend the whole scheduled period with the patient if need be. I am still addressing Dr. priyank but he had made me feel that i am in good hands.Really effecinet, on point, respectful and his staff is great. And Dr. keshav is also an awesome doctor. He suggested me to go for physiotherapy and i must say that Dr. shikha Jain is one of the best physiotherapist I have ever seen in my life.She is so sweet and for me she is like my daughter. She is very thoroughlthorough & caring. If you need a great doctor to help you with your health and wellness do yourself a favor and meet this adorable doctor Shikha. I can't imagine going anyone else now.
Gaurav Antapurkar
Gaurav Antapurkar
I’ve been suffering with lower back pain(bulging disk and sciatica) from past 4 years. Till date I’ve consulted around 10 specialists with little to no relief. But ever since I am under the supervision of We are Spine I can say I feel a whole lot better than I was before. The pain is none to minimal. The treatment is completely medicine-free and addresses the root cause. I will highly recommend this to anyone with any kind of pain. Thank you We are Spine!
Gauraw Mishra
Gauraw Mishra
I had a severe case of coccydynia, which was affecting my daily life. Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj provided me with an effective treatment plan, which included a combination of physical therapy and medication. The staff at We Are Spine Clinic was also very helpful, and I am now feeling much better.

Hospital Panels


Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery: What You Need to Know

Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery
Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery

Travelling to India for Spine Surgery?
Get expert advice on the pre-operative procedures, travel arrangements & aftercare instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

Regarding spine surgery, finding the right surgeon and right hospital and preparing for the procedure can make all the difference. In recent years, India has become a hub for International patients, particularly in spine surgery. The country is home to some of the best spine surgeons in the world, making it an attractive destination for those seeking specialised medical treatment. However, travelling to a foreign country for surgery can be daunting, especially when preparing for the trip. This blog will discuss the necessary Traveling to India for Spine Surgery and preparations before travelling to Mumbai for spine surgery.

Traveling to India for Spine Surgery


Research the best spine surgeon in India .


Before finalising the surgeon, it is crucial to do proper research. Finding the right spine surgeon can make all the difference in the success of the surgery. Factors to consider while choosing a spine surgeon include their experience, qualifications, and success rate. It is also essential to consider the hospital where the surgery will take place and its reputation for quality care. When researching the best spine surgeon in India, one can look for recommendations from friends or family members who have undergone a similar procedure. Another way to find a good surgeon is by reading reviews and testimonials online.


Consultation with the surgeon

Once a suitable surgeon is found, scheduling a consultation before the surgery is essential. The consultation provides an opportunity to discuss the surgery in detail, including the risks and benefits, and to clarify any doubts or questions. During the consultation, the surgeon will also evaluate the patient’s medical history and physical condition to determine if they are suitable candidates for spine surgery. Patients should come prepared with a list of questions and concerns to ensure they clearly understand what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.


Consultation with the surgeon

Pre-operative tests and procedures

The surgeon may prescribe various pre-operative tests and procedures before the surgery. These tests may include blood work, imaging tests, and electrocardiograms. The tests are necessary to determine the patient’s overall health and ensure they are fit for surgery. Patients should follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully and complete all the tests and procedures before the surgery.

Travel preparations

Travel preparations

Once the surgery is scheduled, it is essential to make travel arrangements. This includes obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and visa, booking accommodation near the hospital, and arranging transportation to and from the airport and hospital. Patients should also inform their airline and hotel of special requirements, such as wheelchair accessibility.

Pre-operative instructions

Before the surgery, the surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions that must be followed closely. These instructions may include dietary restrictions, medication changes, and specific guidelines for physical activity. Patients should follow these instructions closely to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for the surgery.

Aftercare instructions

After the surgery, the surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions. These instructions will include wound care, pain management, and physical therapy information. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Patients should also contact their surgeons to report any complications or concerns.

Travelling to India for spine surgery can be an excellent option for those seeking quality medical care. However, preparing thoroughly before the trip is essential to ensure a successful surgery and recovery. Patients should research the best spine surgeon in India, schedule a consultation, undergo necessary pre-operative tests and procedures, make travel arrangements, follow pre-operative and aftercare instructions, and keep in touch with their surgeon for a smooth recovery. By following these guidelines, patients can rest assured that they are prepared for surgery and on the road to recovery.

We Are Spine is a specialized clinic that provides treatment for various types of spine diseases, whether acute or chronic.Our team of well-known Spine Specialists in Mumbai with years of expertise in clinical practice has helped over 60000 patients overcome back pain. The clinic boasts of a highly experienced team of spine specialists and Best Spine Surgeon Mumbai who are supervised by Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj, one of the top spine surgeons in Mumbai.

Introducing the team of our spine surgeons – Dr. Abhay NeneDr. Shital MohiteDr. Priyank PatelDr. Raghuprasad Varma, and Dr. Premik Nagad!

We Are Spine utilizes the latest technologies and equipment to minimize spine surgery and achieve better results. With their expertise and dedication, the clinic is committed to providing the best possible care for patients suffering from spine-related ailments.


Frequently Asked Questions about Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery

India has become a hub for medical tourism, particularly in spine surgery. The country is home to some of the best spine surgeons in the world, making it an attractive destination for those seeking specialised medical treatment.

To find the best spine surgeon in India, it is vital to do proper research. Factors to consider while choosing a spine surgeon include their experience, qualifications, and success rate. It is also essential to consider the hospital where the surgery will take place and its reputation for quality care.

During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s medical history and physical condition to determine if they are suitable candidates for spine surgery. Patients should come prepared with a list of questions and concerns to ensure they clearly understand what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.

The surgeon may prescribe various pre-operative tests and procedures before the surgery. These tests may include blood work, imaging tests, and electrocardiograms. The tests are necessary to determine the patient’s overall health and ensure they are fit for surgery.

Patients should make travel arrangements, including obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and visa, booking accommodation near the hospital, and arranging transportation to and from the airport and hospital. Patients should also inform their airline and hotel of special requirements, such as wheelchair accessibility.

. Before the surgery, the surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions that must be followed closely. These instructions may include dietary restrictions, medication changes, and specific guidelines for physical activity. Patients should follow these instructions closely to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for the surgery.

After the surgery, the surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions. These instructions will include wound care, pain management, and physical therapy information. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Patients should also contact their surgeons to report any complications or concerns.

To ensure a smooth recovery after spine surgery in India, following the aftercare instructions closely, attending all follow-up appointments, and keeping in touch with the surgeon for any concerns or complications are essential. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding strenuous physical activity until cleared by the surgeon.


Travelling to India for spine surgery carries some risks, including the risk of complications during travel and the potential for cultural differences that may affect the patient’s experience. However, with proper preparation and research, these risks can be minimized.

Meet Our Doctors

Patient Information

Our Approach

At The We are spine we offer the most advanced and
effective bespoke treatment packages to suit your needs


For effective pain treatment, it is imperative to diagnose the underlying condition.


Depending on the diagnosis, our first choice for treatment are rehabilitation…


We advise surgical intervention only when the risk of surgery is far lower than the risk of leaving…


We guide individuals on how to prevent first or recurrent back pain by suggesting lifestyle…

Meet Our Doctors

Dr Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Abhay Nene

Dr Sheetal Mohite

Dr. Sheetal Mohite

Dr Priyank Patel

Dr. Priyank Patel

Dr Premik Nagad

Dr. Premik nagad

Dr. Aaditya D. Kashikar

Dr. Harshal Babulal Bamb

Patients’ Testimonials

Satyam Bairoliya
Satyam Bairoliya
On behalf of my grandfather- I met up with Dr Abhay due to a disk prolapse (Slip Disk). Dr abhay started off by giving me a comfortable space to share my problems especially given the fact that hailing from a small town it was not everyday that a doctor asked a lot of relevant questions ensure the best remedy. Dr abhay suggested me to undergo a regular physiotherapist sessions, that’s when I was introduced to Dr.Shikha. Her sessions were extremely simple to understand. Given the fact that it was done over video it was all the more impressive. I have been gradually recovering my strength and Dr.Abhay’s regular followups ensured the correct steps are being followed throughout the journey to ensure that i avoid surgery. Truly in line with the catchphrase “we are spine” Thanks for everything 😄
Geeta Jaisinghani
Geeta Jaisinghani
hi I am geeta Jaisinghani, senior citizen, from mumbai. I was going thru severe back n neck pain. No doctors n physios really cud help me. Finally my son contacted Dr Abhay Nene ( whom we know sync several years )on video calling n he saw my reports n said only physio wil give complete relief n no need for any surgery. He advised some walking posture n told me to contact Dr. Shikha Jain. Dr Nene said she wil give best help to me n truly I cud not believe in just the first few sessions itself I got soo much relief. she was very confident n had patience in training me thru zoom meeting. I thank God for Dr. Nene and Dr. Shikha Jain. They r the bestest I hav known n cud refer to anyone. God bless them both as they r truly dedicated to their work and caring.
Saju Thomas
Saju Thomas
I am from Kerala. I suffered a lot because of my chronic backache. The pain radiated to my arms as well as the legs , and caused numbness and weakness. I was in a situation where I can't do my everyday routine.Other doctors suggested me for surgery or else there will be a condition to sit on a wheelchair. At this point one of my friend Rohit Gokhle suggested about we are spine team, and decided to give it a try. Now I think this was the best decision I ever made. The team of we are spine helped me for a fast recovery. Especially Dr. Shika Jain. Dr. did a great job with my first ever health exam. She explained everything to me in a very clear manner. Not only has she taken great care of my health, but also she is lovely to speak with at every appointment. It's rare to find a doctor that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with outstanding quality of medical care. I am so glad I chose we are spine team and would highly recommend to anyone.
urvi ghatalia
urvi ghatalia
A Life-changing Journey with WeAreSpine I had been struggling with excruciating spasms in my legs and lower abdomen and the pain was making it difficult to carry out my daily activities. I consulted my doctor Dr Abhay Nene of WeAreSpine who asked me to see Dr Priyank Patel, as he was travelling. And, it turned out to be a life-changing experience. Upon consulting Dr. PRIYANK Patel, I was advised to try physiotherapy as a solution to my problem. This led me to the capable hands of Dr. Shikha, who guided me through a series of specific exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles supporting my lower back. The results were astounding. Within just a month of consistent effort and dedication, I noticed a remarkable 90% improvement in my condition. The excruciating pain and spasms that once plagued my daily life were now significantly reduced, allowing me to regain my mobility and enjoy life to the fullest. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am to the team at WeAreSpine for their expertise and exceptional care. Dr. Abhay Nene’s diagnosis and Dr. Shikha's tailored physiotherapy exercises were the key to my recovery. If you are facing any spine-related issues or pain, I wholeheartedly recommend WeAreSpine. Their compassionate and skilled approach to spinal health is unmatched. My journey with them has been nothing short of incredible, and I now feel equipped to face life with renewed vigor and a pain-free existence. Thank you, WeAreSpine!
Devendra Parulekar
Devendra Parulekar
A freak incident caused a pinched nerve that sent radiating pain down my arm, with reduced power caused by a possible damage to the nerve. Being Founder of a Travel & Hospitality startup (SaffronStays), this meant a break from active work and travel, as this needed bed rest for a many weeks on end. What was troubling was that I had a long overdue family trip to France and Italy, in under 2 weeks! What complicated things was the emergency root canal that suddenly emerge exactly 2 days after the freak pinched nerve incident. In all this, renowned and celebrated Dr Abhay Nene and his trusted Physiotherapist Dr Shikha Jain, took over the challenge of putting me on that plane to Paris, without any surgery or steroid epidurals, with minimal pain! We actively and slowly increased the intensity of our neck and trapezius muscle exercises. Dr Shikha understood the root cause - a poor posture, caused excessive laptop/ mobile use - diagnosed as Forward Head Posture (also called Google neck) and literally forced me to first solve this by undertaking active posture correction exercises, including the famous McKenzie method or chin tucks and thoracic extensions. I recall her saying “Mr Deven, if you don’t do this exercise every day, you will have permanent nerve damage”. That shook me out of my inertia! Slowly and steadily, under Dr Abhay’s watchful eye, Dr Shikha increased the intensity of our exercise, by adding weights; to strengthen shoulder, back, neck and spine (also core) and now the affected triceps and biceps muscles, to get me back on the tennis court that I cannot live without. Am still a month or two away from my favourite sport, and eagerly waiting for the process of pain management, to pain Centralization, to paid reduction, muscle strengthening… much beyond the posture correction. What a brilliant journey, that straddled corrective to preventive methods. Kudos to this brilliant team of spine specialists!
Karan Bhatt
Karan Bhatt
Hi , myself Dr karan was suffering from cervical cord compression at C5-C6 level for which I consulted Dr.ABHAY NENE sir who examined me and reassured me that it can be managed conservatively for which he suggested me to have a consult with Dr. Shikha jain . I would admit without a doubt that Dr.ABHAY sir’s guidance and physiotherapy by Dr. Shikha helped me regain my confidence and have been asymptomatic bcoz of the physiotherapy .Dr. Shikha has been upto the point ,very concerned and supportive throughout the treatment. I would highly recommend WE ARE SPINE for anyone suffering from spine ailments .
Jayshree Bhanushali
Jayshree Bhanushali
Basically I am from Andhra pradesh and i have a spine issue for over the years. Just to consult Dr. Priyank ,i visited his clinic and really he is a great doctor. He is very understanding & listen to our concerns. He takes time with the patient to help them with their health issues.when you have an appointment, Dr. priyank will spend the whole scheduled period with the patient if need be. I am still addressing Dr. priyank but he had made me feel that i am in good hands.Really effecinet, on point, respectful and his staff is great. And Dr. keshav is also an awesome doctor. He suggested me to go for physiotherapy and i must say that Dr. shikha Jain is one of the best physiotherapist I have ever seen in my life.She is so sweet and for me she is like my daughter. She is very thoroughlthorough & caring. If you need a great doctor to help you with your health and wellness do yourself a favor and meet this adorable doctor Shikha. I can't imagine going anyone else now.
Gaurav Antapurkar
Gaurav Antapurkar
I’ve been suffering with lower back pain(bulging disk and sciatica) from past 4 years. Till date I’ve consulted around 10 specialists with little to no relief. But ever since I am under the supervision of We are Spine I can say I feel a whole lot better than I was before. The pain is none to minimal. The treatment is completely medicine-free and addresses the root cause. I will highly recommend this to anyone with any kind of pain. Thank you We are Spine!
Gauraw Mishra
Gauraw Mishra
I had a severe case of coccydynia, which was affecting my daily life. Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj provided me with an effective treatment plan, which included a combination of physical therapy and medication. The staff at We Are Spine Clinic was also very helpful, and I am now feeling much better.

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